Tuesday - Wednesday 13-14/2/2018

The shortcomings of the Fitbit are glaringly exposed in this data which is just plain wrong! Between 0300 and 0400 I was downstairs drinking tea and on Facebook, and the Fitbit simply hasn't registered this, just like for the second afternoon it didn't register my meditation, which was again deep and at least 80 minutes long.

The reality is I slept at least one hour less than this, calling the validity of the whole blog into question. Of course the Fitbit relies purely on position, movement at heart-rate to determine my state of consciousness, so some inaccuracy is inevitable. However this is the first time the Fitbit has got it glaringly wrong. Only further data will reveal this to be a "blip" or a fundamentally flawed data. I will work on the assumption for now that this is a blip, as the REM data seems about right - I can recall waking from dreams at the last two recorded REM spikes.

Regarding decision-making, I got it right, providing the maximum sleep opportunity I could - I cannot legislate for overnight thirst, something that is becoming more prevalent of late. I did go back to bed once thirst was slaked.


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