Saturday - Sunday 27-28/1/2018

According to my Fitbit I never went back to sleep after waking up at 05:08. I certainly did wake at that time, but I would contend that I went back to sleep around 30 minutes later because the next thing I was aware of was my alarm at 0700. The Fitbit has limitations in sleep measurement if the sleep length is less than 3 hours, so I suspect it simply "ignored" an hour's sleep at the end.

However, what is nontheless true is that I underslept - not unusual for a Saturday night, but made shorter by two factors - I was 30 minutes later than the Saturday night usual and I remember being unusually horny overnight. Though I have erectile dysfunction, this doesn't mean I've no libido - it just means my erections don't keep going without continual stimulation or the "magic tablets".

A further contributory factor was that I was later getting home than I planned - at 15-20 minutes, this was practically-speaking inconsequential, but it bothered me disproportionately and my sleep is adversely affected when even very mildly upset.  


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